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Supporting the global environment we supply all software as digital downloads only. How can you participate?

We all can be part of the solution. Digital downloads are the "green" answer to demanding fewer resources for your computer's needs. What you get is software with an environmental footprint of zero while still staying up-to-date.

Digital downloads are one part of the larger trend in making our lives - both professional and personal - cleaner, more efficient, and better. Continue reading to see what else you can do to improve your green computing.

Limit screen-saver use. A screen saver does not save energy. In fact, more often than not, a screen saver not only will draw power for the monitor, but also will keep the CPU from shutting down. Instead, set your computer to turn off the monitor first, then go into standby mode after a longer period of inactivity.

Disconnect your Virtual Private Network (VPN) when not actively using your corporate network. Being connected may limit your system's ability to enter standby mode.

Many popular computer games and other third party software packages that run in the background will not allow the computer to go to sleep - even if they are paused or the active window is minimized.

Some web sites or pages that have active banners and or animated advertisements will not allow the computer to sleep on its own and must be closed, or the computer put manually into a sleep state.

Enabled power management to place your monitor, hard drives and computer into a low-power "sleep" mode after a period of inactivity.

Monitor/display sleep: Turn off after 15 minutes or less

Turn off hard drives/hard disk sleep: 15 minutes or less

System standby/sleep: After 30 minutes or less

Advanced users may wish to establish multiple power schemes to address different usage models. For example, you can create a power scheme for playing music CDs that shuts off your hard drive and monitor immediately, but never puts your system into standby mode.

To further reduce power consumption, turn off computing and peripheral devices that are not being used or being used for an extended period of time such as overnight.

Plug all your electronics into one surge protector, so you can easily switch them all off when you leave the room or go to sleep. Most power supplies (such as your cell phone charger) continue to draw power and generate heat even when not attached to a device.
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Ableton Live 9 Suite

System Requirements: Windows Mac

Billing Cycle



$ / month
RRP: $
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Terms of Use:

One license per seat

Supported Systems:

Windows Mac

Included Languages:

Available: 50+
Record automation into clips - Edit automation with curves. Session View automation lets you capture your performance or add movement to your loops. Use curves to make automation more musical.

Live’s unique Session View makes it easy to improvise with musical ideas - in Live 9, you can now record parameter changes directly into Session View for even more flexibility. Edit automation curves with the mouse to create smooth mix transitions or radical parameter changes in your clips.

In one click, create new Session View scenes from your Arrangement tracks, or drag and copy individual clips from Arrangement to Session. The automation comes with them, making it easier than ever to move from improvising to arranging and back.

New in 9.5

Get more from your samples with the overhauled Simpler Simpler, Live’s powerful but easy-to-use sampling instrument, has been completely overhauled with a new interface, warping, slicing, and new analog-modeled filters built in conjunction with Cytomic. Slice samples across the keyboard, play single hits, or warp long samples so that they always stay in time with your song.
Improved waveforms, meters, and coloring. New waveforms show more detail and zoom and scroll smoothly. To help keep your Sets organized, new clips take their track’s color, and tracks are now automatically colored by default.
Peak and RMS meters Updated meters show both peak and RMS, to indicate both sudden changes in level as well as perceived loudness. This makes it easier to control the dynamics of both individual tracks and your overall mix.
Great sounding analog-modeled filters Live 9.5 introduces new analog-modeled filters based on classic vintage hardware models that will self-resonate, feedback, and distort beautifully. These filters were built in collaboration with Cytomic and are included in Simpler, Sampler, Operator, and Auto Filter.
More sounds, samples, and drums The library of included sounds has been updated for Live 9.5 to get you making music even faster. This includes new drum kits, presets using the new analog-modeled filters, hundreds more one shots, and new audio clips.
Play inspiring new instruments The new Max Essentials Pack includes three stunning new synthesizers with wide-ranging sound design possibilities and a streamlined set of controls.
Play with others, in perfect sync Jam with multiple instances of Live and a growing collection of iOS apps – Link is a new technology that keeps you in time over a wireless network.


Record automation into clips Edit automation with curves. Session View automation lets you capture your performance or add movement to your loops. Use curves to make automation more musical.
Live’s unique Session View makes it easy to improvise with musical ideas In Live 9, you can now record parameter changes directly into Session View for even more flexibility. Edit automation curves with the mouse to create smooth mix transitions or radical parameter changes in your clips.
Find sounds fast With Live’s new browser, spend less time finding sounds and more time making music. Live’s new browser puts all of your instruments and effects, samples, Packs and VST/Audio Units plug-ins in one easy-to-navigate view. Drag and draop folders into the browser from anywhere on your computer - Search as you type, navigate from the keyboard and sort items by various categories.
Play new sounds Live’s library includes new Instrument Racks and sounds to get you going fast. Live 9 Suite comes with more than 3000 production-ready sounds that give you the full range of vintage synthesizers, drum kits and one-shot samples, acoustic instruments and loops - all powered by Live's built-in synthesizers and effects so they can be tweaked and personalized. All sounds are organized for Live 9's new browser and work seamlessly with all common hardware controllers.
Get your sound right The new analog-modeled Glue Compressor and redesigned studio effects help you get a better sound in less time. Live’s new Glue Compressor, developed in collaboration with Cytomic, is modeled on a classic 80s console bus compressor, both for its great sound and also to provide musical results with a simple set of controls. Live’s studio effects - Compressor, Gate and EQ Eight - have been improved with new displays, enhanced controls and better sound, making it easier to see and hear your changes.
Reclaim the music in your samples Live 9’s new tools for converting audio to MIDI give you unprecedented flexibility to extract musical ideas from your samples and build upon them. Convert your favorite drum break with the Drums-to-MIDI feature and reuse it with your own sounds. Speed up your remixing work by using Harmony-to-MIDI to get the notes and chords from the original audio stems. Or simply seed your creativity with inspiring, natural-feeling MIDI grabbed directly from the most exciting parts of your music collection.
Or sing the music in your head Sketch out ideas quickly by singing (or beatboxing) into Live and converting your recording to MIDI. Your voice is the new keyboard: sing, beatbox, tap a rhythm on your desk, or play any solo instrument to capture your musical ideas as they come. Then use the Melody- or Drums-to-MIDI feature to turn your recordings into MIDI clips that you can edit and reuse with any sound.
Edit the details Powerful MIDI note manipulation tools and an improved editing workflow help you create new musical ideas fast.

What customers say

Stephanie, CA
Thank you for providing and affordable product with relatively clear instructions.
Birgit, SE
Wonderful product and a splendid support! Greetings from Sweden Hugs Birgit
Anil, AU
Fast download. Great Products at a great price!!! I will use your service again!!
Merle, US
MS Office Pro Plus 2013 works great. The first download did not download the complete file. When I understood and followed the instructions, everything went very well.
Michael, CA
Product installed with no issues at all.
David, NZ
I needed. Help to install the program . It was installed remotely. I could not have had better support. Your company surpassed itself. Thank you so much
Kumait, AE
Thank you,for your help, and for providing your great service.